Year-End XRPDX Working Group Reports

Image of large old-fashioned clock with hands set at one minute to midnight.

ANCE (Act Now for Climate Emergency) Report  By Diane Meisenhelter During 2022, XRPDX’s ANCE work group monitored and protested the City of Portland’s inaction on reducing GHG emissions.   Early in the year we pressured the City … Read more

Portland’s Zenith Syndrome: The Gaping Hole in the “Thin Green Line”

Two women holding banner that says "Zenith Energy Not Land Use Compatibleg

Relying only on a promise that FIVE years from now, and more than 7 years on from Portland’s Climate Emergency Declaration, Zenith would be transporting 100% renewable fuels, the Bureau of Development Services agreed that continuing to transship fuels from dangerous oil trains running through the Columbia River Gorge and Portland neighborhoods is actually a “compatible” use of the land between the Willamette River and Forest Park.