On the edge of fatherhood, in an age of collapse
If everything goes as expected, I’m going to become a father in about five weeks. I still can’t quite wrap my mind around it, but I guess that’s usually how it is for first-time parents. … Read more
If everything goes as expected, I’m going to become a father in about five weeks. I still can’t quite wrap my mind around it, but I guess that’s usually how it is for first-time parents. … Read more
Every year, my father and I take route 410 into the Wenatchee National Forest and set up camp on the spot my grandfather took my father as a boy. My family has been going to … Read more
Compelling the City of Portland to create and enforce policies that will reduce emissions citywide will do more than several lifetimes of recycling bottles and cans. That’s why I got involved with Extinction Rebellion…
A major obstacle in solving the climate crisis is that our collective interests are in conflict with those who have the most power. Collectively, most agree that a world beset by climate catastrophe is undesirable. … Read more
As I write these words, a blanket of slushy snow lies on the ground outside my window. Just last week though, temperatures were in the upper 70s. A month ago, researchers at the Arctic Circle … Read more