On Friday, December 11th, XRPDX joined forces with other local activists as part of the Stop The Money Pipeline coalition to hand deliver a letter to Chase Bank branches all over the Portland area. (And also one to Wells Fargo. We didn’t want them to feel left out.) The letter was signed by 41 indigenous women and over 150 environmental and social justice groups telling the banks why they must not fund the Enbridge Line 3 pipeline and the Keystone XL pipeline. Read it here.
Over the last few weeks, Indigenous-led activists have been taking direct action to stop Line 3, including blocking pipeline traffic, chaining themselves to equipment and tree sitting.
There’s still more to do. Visit Stop the Money Pipeline’s website to find a letter to the folks with the money telling them to stop violating treaties, stop the death and destruction that always follow pipeline construction, and to stop funding this nightmare!