ACTION: Stop the Red House eviction!

As part of our commitment to supporting XR’s Fourth Demand, many of us have been supporting the efforts to prevent an Afro-Indigenous family from losing their ancestral home of six decades: the Red House. It’s a story that highlights many of the issues that have affected poor and working class families in inner Northeast Portland for decades: gentrification, discriminatory and predatory lending practices, and more.

The good news in that the community has raised enough funds to buy back the house and do repairs for damage done during the police eviction raid. But it’s not a done deal and negotiations are reportedly tense.

At this point it is critical to put pressure on city administrators and the police to allow time for a peaceful resolution to be negotiated.

Please make calls

  • Mayor Ted Wheeler: 503-823-4120
  • District Attorney Mike Schmidt: 503-988-3162
  • Portland Housing Bureau: 503-823-2375

Extinction Rebellion in Portland, Oregon – XRPDX – is a local chapter in the international Extinction Rebellion movement. XRPDX organizes people in the Portland, Oregon Metro area: By taking action (online and in person) to resist fossil fuel infrastructure and educate the broader public about the climate emergency. We support our allies in social justice struggles by spreading the word through a bimonthly newsletter; a website and blog and social media channels. We are building a supportive activist culture of appreciation and skill-sharing. We share a love of the natural world and a vision of a more just and equitable world.


XRPDX’s Statement on XR America

ACTION: Tell Oregon DEQ to adopt strong rules around oil train derailments and spills
