XRUS Fundraiser for Legal Defense Fund

The Necessity Series is a two-part documentary directed by Jan Haaken, filmmaker and professor emeritus of psychology at Portland State University, and Samantha Praus, researcher and filmmaker.

Much like Part I, Necessity II is guided by Native perspectives and weaves into the film dramatic regional sites where people are fighting fossil fuels. The film continues the story of activists enlisting the Necessity Defense, this time in a precedent-setting jury trial in Oregon after a direct action by Extinction Rebellion PDX at Zenith Energy in Portland. This story of climate resistance in the Pacific Northwest brings into view a historical landscape of tribal leaders, Indigenous activists, labor leaders, and white allies as they resist oil trains and terminals in the transport of highly toxic products through critical waterways and treaty lands. For tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/necessity-iirails-rivers-the-thin-green-line-dec16-thru-jan1-tickets-215349434957.

Please be generous. We ask ticket buyers to give what you can above the recommended $10/person donation for a single screening session and to schedule additional viewings. If you enjoy the film, please help us spread the word by creating a buzz and sharing the Eventbrite link with others. If you want to share the trailer link with others, it is at: https://vimeo.com/643322144. We appreciate your support!


Tuesday meeting: Working Groups!

Victory! Jordan Cove LNG Project Is Dead!
