“Hey Feds! We’re not impressed!
No rides, no rest!”
About 20 of us XR rebels and friends gathered in front of the Marriott Hotel on Naito Parkway to serve notice to the hotel chain: Feds Go Home!
We don’t like their allowing the Federal troops (DHS-contracted mercenaries, Border Patrol cops, and whoever else) to rent their rooms as they menace, gas, beat, and kidnap Portlanders in nightly Black Lives Matter protests. We’re calling Marriott out, and calling their corporate headquarters too: (301) 380-3000.
After walking strike-style on the sidewalk, chanting (among others) “No Justice! No Sleep!” and “Feds Out of Portland,” we delivered a letter to the manager who left the lobby to see what the fuss was about. Lynn, of our Finance/Fundraising working group set the manager straight, after handing over the letter, when he said, “They’re not here!” Lynn coolly replied, “This is the wrong building. But it’s the right hotel!” The Feds are lodged in the remote and secured Marriott in North Portland, where we could not get access to protest. Does the Marriott have a government contract to rent rooms to these Fed Goons wherever they go – the southern border, other US cities? Is the Feds’ money that good, Marriott? Is a boycott in the future? To be continued…
After a fun group photo session under the projection (thanks, Projector Dudes!) on the outside wall of the Marriott, we walked together to the Salmon Springs Fountain to see the dramatic yet dignified photo display of Black people killed by the police, then to the Federal Courthouse to stand in solidarity with our thousands of allies and buddies.
Oh, and to pick up some debris, too. Rebels’ work is never done!