DEQ’s Upcoming Public Information Meeting
Monday, Dec. 16, 2024, 6 – 7 PM
Click here to attend virtually on Zoom
Join via phone by calling 253-215-8782 and entering Webinar ID: 868 5013 9436, Passcode: 582325.
Zenith’s air quality permitting process is currently on pause while DEQ gathers more information. On Dec. 6, 2024, DEQ requested a Land Use Compatibility Statement, or LUCS, from Zenith to cover operations on adjacent properties before the agency can proceed with the air quality permitting process.
DEQ requested a LUCS issued by the City of Portland that includes these operations within 60 days, or by Feb. 4, 2025. DEQ determined that the LUCS Zenith submitted in 2022 for its Title V air quality permit renewal and new Air Contaminant Discharge Permit applications does not cover the McCall and Chevron properties adjacent to Zenith’s terminal, where Zenith loads fuel onto ships at marine docks.
For more information visit the Oregon DEQ’s website.