Building a Bridge to the Future

XRPDX and other organizations are organizing a broad scale, socially distanced action to demand local and state leaders give us the policies we need to create a caring, regenerative future economy. And we need your help!

The pandemic has exposed the blatant inequities of our current systems and this is a pivotal moment to ensure that the policies implemented in every part of society really benefit people and planet, not profits.

The idea emerged of mobilizing various progressive coalitions into a Bridge to a Caring and Regenerative Future action combined with a press conference to focus on what we need from our local, state, national leaders.

Here are some of the action ideas being considered:

  • Covering Portland’s bridges with (socially distanced) lines of people linked together with braided rope, fabric or other material to symbolized our interconnectedness despite our distance and the greater strength of weaving together beyond our single strands. Banners could be suspended from the braided fabric or colorful ties, along with other art elements.
  • A press conference announcing the event and its demands, with the press release drafted by a coalition of groups organizing the event.
  • Images, text and video projected onto the bridges, buildings or bridge supports to add to the artistic drama and messaging of the event.
  • A media team of videographers and filmmakers to cover the event and produce short videos for social media and outreach.

We are currently looking to reach out to those who are working on these national and global issues:

  1. Addressing affordable housing and houselessness/poor people’s needs
  2. Healthcare for all
  3. Workers’ rights and livable wages
  4. Ensuring the rights of and protecting frontline communities and our most vulnerable populations
  5. the Green New Deal, climate justice and decarbonization
  6. Reform of prison systems and immigrant rights
  7. Sustainable food systems/regenerative agriculture
  8. Safe, accessible, sliding scale, zero-emissions public transportation
  9. Demilitarization
  10. Ensuring democratic rights and so many more.

If you can help with organizing (even an hour or so a week) or have contacts in groups we can be reaching out to, please email or text to 503-349-1460.


The Second Demand

Zenith Update
