Tar sands are one of the dirtiest, most carbon-intensive forms of energy on our planet. Chase is the number one bank funding fossil fuel and tar sands projects. And Liberty Mutual is the major player in insuring major tar sands pipeline projects in both the United States and Canada. Chase did more tar sands financing between 2016 and 2019 than the other big five U.S. banks combined—$10.4 billion in that time frame. Meanwhile, some scientists have gone as far as saying it is Game Over for the planet if tar sands continue to be transported and burned.
That’s why on October 1st, Extinction Rebellion PDX, in connection with 350pdx, Sunrise PDX HUB, The Sunrise Project, Greenpeace and others associated with our local STMP coalition took action at two Chase bank sites and at Liberty Mutual Plaza at the Liberty Centre. The action was in preparation for a major day of online action in solidarity with Indigenous communities fighting tar sands pipelines across the United States and Canada.
Early on Thursday, we did banners and leafleting during rush hour traffic as well as chalking onsite to help educate those coming to their branches. XR members also did some street drama/dance dressed as fire and forest. As it got dark, the coalition switched to a light show with light boards spelling out the words “STOP TAR SANDS” and a projection with Oregon Fire photos, as well as facts about Chase Bank’s dirty investments in fossil fuels.
A few billion dollars isn’t worth our future, so we can’t afford to not keep up the pressure on Chase and Liberty Mutual.