XRPDX is based on autonomy and decentralization. We collectively create the structures we need to challenge power. We are made up of three working groups (Action, Media and Regenerative Culture). Each working group reaches their own decisions fairly autonomously and by consensus. However, each group coordinates with other groups to confirm their agreement before moving forward on any actions.
The XRPDX Coordinating Group is made of representatives from the XRPDX working groups. The working groups select representatives to serve on the Coordinating Group. Presently, the representatives are Margaret Butler, Lorene Scheer, Lynn Handlin, Reuben Peterson and Mark Darienzo.
The Coordinating Group does not make decisions for XR and has the following mandates:
1. Facilitate the flow of information between working groups in bi-weekly coordinating working group meetings;
2. Maintain a record of organizational decisions, including a record of organizational sign-on letters, keeping a decision log on Trello where records of meeting notes are also kept;
3. Plan full chapter meetings and facilitate full chapter decision-making;
4. Provide a capacity check for XR activities;
5. Gather proposals from members and facilitate decision making;
6. Along with the Regenerative Culture working group (Regen), monitor for tension and help resolve conflicts;
7. Together with Regen, provide for trainings on XR demands, principles and structure, group norms, as well as technical skills training;
8. Monitor developments and communicate with XR US and XR Global.
Finance, a subcommittee of the coordination group, manages the money that XRPDX collects and distributes. A financial report is made at each monthly full chapter meeting.
All Coordinating Group meetings are open to XRPDX members to attend and observe. Any questions or concerns can be directed to info@xrpdx.org.