I wake most mornings now
to the singular “caw” of Crows.
So precious,
for it comes less and less
with the songs of other Birds.
Where are the Mourning Doves,
the House Sparrows, Finches, Scrub-Jays, and Juncos,
the rest of the winged choir,
the proof of abundance and balance?
The human rule of the earth
is wiping out
so many of our elder species.
some of our eldest living ancestors,
have survived and served us all
since the last mass extinction
of dinosaurs and their neighbors.
When I walk my neighborhood
and meet Crows,
I greet them and ask about them,
in hopes my attention
will assure them of my support,
my love,
and bolster their will to stick around,
to delight me
and in themselves,
to play their vital part.
I am grateful and afraid for them,
for all of Us.
[Photo credit: Alexas Fotos via pexels.com]