Join us in a three pronged Spring Rebellion that fights for a better future on the local, national, and international level! Noon April 24, 9 – 12:30 April 26, and Noon April 29!
Stop Funding the Climate Crisis, at Pioneer Courthouse Square, noon April 24th! A small number of banks pump billions into fossil fuel investments every year. This supports more fossil fuel exploitation and destruction, often without the knowledge and at the indirect harm of the banks’ users. Stop the oiligarchy!
NO Fare Increase, at TriMet Board meeting 70 NW Couch St, 9 – 12:30 April 26th! In the face of flagging ridership and income, TriMet proposes to increase fares. This is not equitable, not environmental, and not practical! Tell TriMet fares should be kept as they are or removed entirely!
Zenith Must Be Shut Down, at Zenith Energy 5501 NW Front, noon April 29th! Zenith transports explosive crude oil through Portland illegally and dangerously. They vent toxic air pollution and store their oil in ancient tanks built on an earthquake liquefaction zone. Send a message to them, their slimy lawyers, and our city councilors that they need to get out!