Help Build a Climate Justice movement SO LARGE it can’t be ignored!
A primary goal of XRPDX is to help build a resilient climate justice movement that is large enough to actually impact decision-makers by our actions. An affinity group (AG) is a non-hierarchical group of generally 7-12 people who have organized themselves to prepare for and take direct action.
The “affinity” portion refers to what members have in common (existing social network, common interests, where they live, existing organization, etc.). As the building blocks of action, affinity groups can both grow a movement quickly and ensure that individuals are connected, supported and secure during large group- actions. They can facilitate quick, collective decision-making and creative solutions as situations change.
With climate scientists saying that sooner than 2030 greenhouse gas emissions must be cut in half or the world will face unthinkable consequences in terms of loss, time is of the essence. None of our organizations currently have the power on our own to act and not be ignored, but together we are stronger and can give collective voice to the types of climate justice change that is so critically needed.
We can turn out for each others’ actions and events and mobilize more quickly and effectively. We are asking organizational allies and individuals to consider organizing an affinity group and having a representative as part of a communication HUB that can spread the word when action is needed.
If you are willing to work on organizing an affinity group and would like more information and support, reach out to