Empty promises on Zenith

It was shocking to read that the Portland City Council has approved the Land Use Compatibility Statement for Zenith Energy, (“Portland gives Zenith Energy land use green light amid promise to end fossil fuel storage,” Oct. 3).

Zenith Energy, a corporation out of Texas, continues to be an ongoing threat to the health and safety of Portlanders, as well as a menace to the Columbia River Gorge, the Willamette River and Forest Park. These oil trains can cause spills, spark major fires and pollute the land and water.

They have been opposed by tribal groups and climate and environmental organizations. The new LUCS approval by the city council was not publicized and had no opportunity for public comment, even though the mayor and city council members are well aware of the opposition by community groups to the storage and transport of fuels through Portland. Zenith has found unorthodox ways to achieve their objectives in our city, using the air quality permit of the defunct asphalt facility where they are located and then expanding their shipment of fracked oil to Portland. Why is the city council trusting the promises of this company that appears to have misled them in the past?

Just say no to Zenith Energy. Our climate and future are at stake.

[This Letter to the Editor of The Oregonian by Pat Kaczmarek, a member of XRPDX, was published on October 11, 2022. – Ed]

About Pat Kaczmarek

Pat Kaczmarek has been a long time environmentalist, volunteering and working for a number of preservation and restoration groups over the years. In 2020, she became aware of the accelerating pace of global warming. Climate change awareness, education and outreach are now her central concerns because the future depends on our actions today.


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