[On April 29, 2023, these demands were read aloud by Margaret Butler during the “Doom to Bloom” protest across from the gates of the Zenith Energy facility, as the third action of The Spring Rebellion in Portland, Oregon.]
- Immediately begin to work with community representatives and the neighborhood associations in impacted areas to adequately address public health and safety concerns.
- Secure risk bonding so that Zenith Energy does not profit from our endangerment and leave the residents of Portland, Multnomah County, and Oregon to pay for the immense costs of a disaster (train derailment, earthquake, etc.).
- Cease self-reporting emissions estimates under AP-42; use the more accurate EPA methods 204 and 235 with actual emissions measurements by an independent entity.
- Following the city’s policy of not exporting and transitioning from fossil fuels, bring in renewable fuels only to serve the regional market for a short period until a transition to clean, renewable energy. No exports of fuels that will burn and contribute to climate chaos at a time when we need to eliminate GHG emissions.
- Renewable diesel has a similar chemical composition to petroleum diesel with the same risks of spills, fires, toxic releases, and with about the same or even higher in terms of carbon intensity in many cases. Respect the public’s right to know both the types and source of the feed stocks for renewable diesel, the fuels used for hydrogenation, and the alternative land usage values.